Numbers 11 Part A

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Scripture Review

Beware of ungodly desires. Be careful what you crave for. These are key lessons for us to learn as once again, complaining arose among the children of Israel. Murmuring, grumbling and complaining are ungodly acts. We are warned not to copy such behaviours (1 Corinthians 10.6-11).

The children of Israel had seen the hand of God in Egypt but quickly forgot when their situation in the wilderness became tough. The Scripture tells us of a mixed multitude who stirred up the murmuring which spread through the whole camp so much so Moses became frustrated and God was angry.
Note that the murmuring in the camp was fueled by their craving for meat and the delicacies of Egypt. God gave them manna but they still had an appetite for the things which they had left behind. The children of Israel despised the manna which God gave them and expressed their desire for the food they used to eat while in the land of bondage. This displeased God. It resulted in some of them being destroyed.

As believers, we should never become so familiar with God that we trivialize His goodness and provision in our lives. Things will not always work out the way we want them to do. We may not always get what we want, but complaining is never the solution. Murmuring is an unwanted sound in God’s ears and an insult to His ability. It attracts the destroyer and opens the door for him to take away the good things God has put in our lives (John 10.10, 1 Peter 5.8). We believers need to beware of inordinate desires. When we come into Christ, it is important to wean ourselves off certain things we used to feed on from the world and develop our appetite for heavenly food which is the Word of God. We should allow God to feed us with bread from heaven.

The cure for murmuring is a heart of joy and gratitude expressed through praise. Gratitude causes us to experience a continuous increase in the supply of God’s goodness. Learn to replace grumbling with thanksgiving. There are many good things in our lives that we can appreciate God for. Give thanks for your salvation – never forget that we are saved by grace and not because of anything we have done to earn or deserve it. That should keep us grateful day after day. Thank God for the Cross. Thank Him for the resurrection. Thank Him for the Blood that speaks mercy on your behalf. Thank Him for sealing you with His Spirit who will never leave you no matter what you are going through. Thank Him for the many benefits which He loads you with daily.

If we are occupied with thanking Him for all these, we won’t have time to complain even when things don’t go our way. When we have an attitude of gratitude and learn to praise God, He puts the right desires in our hearts so we no longer lust after evil things. The way of the flesh is to grumble, but the way of the spirit is praise.

#Biblestudy #Numbers

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